by Barb Fehlau | May 21, 2020 | FAQ
Physician Referral is required.
by Barb Fehlau | May 21, 2020 | FAQ
Dr Fehlau’s Interventional Treatment Costs I. Acupuncture Traditional Chinese Medicine Acupuncture Occasionally covered by Third Party Insurance. Not covered by MSP. IMS/GTT Acupuncture Occasionally covered by Third Party Insurance. Not covered by MSP. II....
by Barb Fehlau | May 21, 2020 | FAQ
Dr Fehlau’s Interventional Treatments Summarized I. Acupuncture Traditional Chinese Medicine Acupuncture Many health conditions can be treated in this way although I mostly treat people for neuropathies or allergies. Occ. covered by Third Party Insurance....
by Barb Fehlau | Nov 19, 2017 | Treatments
Trigger points are small tight areas within a tight muscle and are located usually within muscles but can also occur within ligaments, near bones and non-muscular facial tissues.
by Barb Fehlau | Nov 19, 2017 | Treatments
Perineural Injection Therapy (PIT) is a proven safe, effective treatment for patients who may not be candidates for joint replacement surgery or biologic options such as stem cell injections or PRP. Perineural injection therapy treats inflamed and injured nerves.
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