I am now Recovering from Surgery.
You may have noticed that I am not in the office these days. June 23, 2016, I slipped and hit my head hard on the ground and I reduced my working hours over the summer to try to cope and let heal what everybody thought was a concussion. However, in late August my headaches got much worse and it was discovered that I actually had a type of bleed in the brain called a subdural hematoma.
Click for more on Subdural hematoma
I had surgery September 3 to evacuate it in Victoria and I am happy to report this has gone very well! I am now in the recovery phase, said to be at least 6 weeks.
I am so grateful for all the concern and caring that many of you have showed, and I would like to report that I am hoping to start seeing patients again the week of October 17th. My MOA will be contacting you to book appointments. Initially I will not be working full time and hope to be full time by the end of October. If all goes well I will also be expanding my hours in the clinic.
Thank you all for your patience and I am looking forward to getting back to work soon and seeing you!